National Synthesis

National Synthesis Between October 2021 and May 2022, faith-based conversations and consultations took place across the island of Ireland and, on 29th May, dioceses and groups submitted a synthesis document to the Bishops’ Conference. These submissions were reviewed...

Delegate Resources

Delegate Resources Principles of Synodality Principles of a Synodal Process Who can participate? Principles of a Synodal Process We see throughout the Gospels how Jesus reaches out to all. He does not only save people individually but as a people that he gathers...

Facilitating Synodal Conversations

Facilitating Synodal Conversations Role of the Diocesan Delegate The Diocesan Contact Person(s)/Team Each diocese* should select one or two individuals to serve as the Diocesan Contact Person(s) or co-leaders for the diocesan phase of the synodal consultation. If...